
A Note On Planning For Delivery Of Pro-Poor Health Services In Punjab

Sumbal, A K


AREA : Devolution & Governance



LUMS No : 20-010-2006-2




LUMS-NGO, health, economic growth


Good health is a prerequisite for social and economic development. Poor health contributes to declines in per capita incomes and productivity, ultimately undermining efforts to reduce poverty. The economic, social and cultural costs of illness are enormous, especially for the poor. It has been known to push people into poverty, and deplete family resources. It could lead to malnourishment, low school enrolment and the long-term impact of illiteracy and ignorance. Health is an issue that can strike the poor very hard, causing them to fall deeper into poverty. A more preventative approach rather than just emphasizing treatment of illness will be essential to overcome rampant malnutrition among the poor in Pakistan (ADB 2003). While better health improves the situation for households at the micro level, it stimulates and strengthens the economic growth at the macro level. Carefully planned investments in the health sector can improve the condition of the poor, expand human capabilities and opportunities and safeguard livelihoods. Needless to say economic situation and policies of the government play an important role in addressing issues of poverty and equity in the health sector. Today, there are major disparities in provision of health services to the poor. Poor health is very closely associated with poverty. The poor are the most vulnerable to ill-health and have the least means to combat it. Over the past decade, Pakistan has grappled with re-examining health priorities, strengthening the health systems, raising alternative mechanisms for provision of health and improving the quality and coverage of health services in the poorer areas. To prepare a plan for improved pro poor health service delivery, it is essential to do a rapid analysis of the issue in the health sector at the primary level, which is essentially rural and pro poor in nature. This paper examines the effect of health on the economic growth of the country and discusses efforts to improve the provision of healthcare especially for the poor. 



Devolution & Governance